<< She looks up at the building >>
2004-01-27, 12:09 p.m.

2nd entry today

So I spoke to my dad today...and it went really really well. He was all kinds of cool with me not marrying him. But then again, I think that all dads want only the best for their daughters anyway...and in their eyes...not too many men compare to themselves. So *wink* I feel sorry for the next poor shmuck that falls madly in love with me, heheh. By that point either dad will ask for a full physical, dental records, & references.

All that's left is Mom. If my sister hasn't already told her. I'm sure that mom already knows though...she just will know...so it won't be a surprise when I say something.

In other somewhat more interesting news...I am wearing purple boots today..I had forgotten all about these! I got a pair if purple doc before I went to scotland, and they are fab. of course they dont' match my blue sweater and khakis, but who cares...they are too fabulous to be in the closet today!

I was talking to robert just a few min ago...attempting to explain the situation. He is a really understanding sort of guy, and I can be honest with him for the most part. He likes to play counselor and asked me "so what is it that you, as a woman, need in a relationship?" So think about that ladies....What do you need as an individual? What do you need in a relationship?

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