<< Wasn't yesterday monday? >>
2004-02-24, 9:39 a.m.

First Entry of the day

Been putting out metaphorical fires all day. One thing after another. And those darn supervisors have not handed in their monthly reports. Grr. They are really like little children. I had one on the phone this morning droning on about being sick. The poor gal is in a tough spot and dealing with a lot of embarrasment. I assured her that there was no need to worry. Last friday, she found that she had been walking around w/ a stain on her pants. Unfortunatly it was menstrual blood. So the poor girl was mortified. I explained to this dear woman (who is in her 40's btw) that although it was an uncomfortable situation, there is not a single woman on this planet that has not or will not face that very same situation at least once in her life. That her body is bound to make decisions without her at times, and that there isn't anything to be ashamed about.

Then I told her that it could have been worse. She could have vomited on her boss or something! That would have been far worse than stained pants. She felt much better after that. So one fire out, 10 others to go, and most of them are financial matters that really piss people off. That and other crap.

Yesterday was super cool...did you read that entry that Jeff put in my journal? I gave him the password previously so that he could check some things out, and he left us all a little goodie. So read it if you haven't. And a cute surprise at the bottom too....oh just a little something about loving me dearly and being the key to his future ;-) Isn't he just swell?! *sigh* what a man...what a man. I can't say enough wonderful things about him.

Then in the evening I took a nice walk...made me feel a little better about myself.

Last night I was on ICQ w/ jeff and b looked over at the screen and was reading it. We had been writing about cuddling and such. And he saw it! It would have been far more incriminating to switch screens quickly. But I played it off well. *sigh* That was really really akward.

I woke up an hour before my clock went off. I have had the jitters all morning. Mood must be shifting a bit today. no focus either. Damn damn damn. Suckage.

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